Tuesday, August 25, 2015

11 Weeks Post-Op: Gettin Giddy

I got fitted today for the walking boot, which I will start wearing after surgery on Friday. I am so thrilled to be in the final days of this phase of my healing. I know rehab will be difficult, probably painful...but at least I'll be DOING
Mine is not this cute.
something about it. While I understand being in the cast has been allowing my body to be doing it's thing uninterrupted, I am at the end of my rope of being unable to move my ankle. 

My surgery is scheduled for 4pm on Friday. I'll be under monitored anesthesia care (MAC), also called twilight sedation or conscious sedation. It's a lighter form of general anesthesia. The doc will be removing the syndesmotic screw, the big one holding the fibula and tibia together to allow the joint space between the two to heal. 

I have an appointment with my chiro next week, and she'll be able to give me guidance on how to start rehab. I have my first PT appointment on Sept 14 - trying to sweet talk him into seeing me sooner, but I know he has a very full schedule. I intend to be a very good patient! I think I'll also document my walking progress in video. 

I'm hoping I'll progress as fast as this woman!

I'll update over the weekend to let you know how it goes. SO STOKED!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! You're almost there sis, makes me so sad you had to go through all of this.
