Saturday, June 20, 2015

The SCOOTER Arrives!

You heard that right. Shawn made a trip to Horsnyder's today (because he wanted to feel REALLY young!), and rented me a scooter to use instead of crutches. Hallelujah!!
Nothing screams cool like a knee scooter
It makes all the difference in getting around. No more holding the weight of my leg up when I'm standing (which isn't much right now anyway...but it's still awesome), and I can actually carry something. Right now, I place the thing I would be carrying on something else...crutch forward two steps...reach to move the item and place it on something else...crutch forward...move item...until I get it to where I need it to be. I swear, it's exhausting just to bring a class of water into the living room. Now I'll be doing doughnuts in the living room. Just kidding, Mom. I swear I won't do that. Now Shawn and the kids on the other hand...

A client, Mark, brought us lentil soup this morning. Another two clients, Monica and Steve, sent flowers and cookies. Another client, Susan, sent me flowers. And my Indiegogo fundraising campaign is doing so well! I am so blown away by the generosity of everyone. I seriously can't thank all of you enough.  Shawn saw the page this morning as we were having our coffee on the couch, and he said, "Honey, you are truly blessed. Your people are amazing." I welled up because I feel that sentiment in my heart so strongly, too. I AM blessed. 

Get it!
I'm now enjoying this beautiful sunny day. Sitting on the deck all propped and iced, watching Shawn tear up the ground to re-locate a big planter box. I love it when he gets all amped up about the yard. Someone has to do it. Whenever Kelly would give me hell for my dying/seriously ailing plants, my answer would be, "Girl, I'm lucky the KIDS get fed and watered, much less the plants!" Shawn takes such loving care of our little yard. He's made it into a cozy little outdoor space.

My pain level decreases daily. I only take a painkiller at night now so I can sleep. My spirits are definitely up with the sun shining on me, and having Shawn around for company. 

Now off to practice my doughnuts...(I said I was kidding, Mom!)

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