Tuesday, June 30, 2015

3 Weeks Post-Op: Cast Day!

I took a long bath last night and cleaned as much of my leg and foot as possible while not getting the stitches wet. Shawn even helped to scrub the iodine off my foot, and massaged coconut oil into my leg and toes. We were lovin' that leg up as much as possible before it was to be sealed up in the cast for 6 weeks!

More lucky green!
Doc took another x-ray today, took the stitches out, and got me all casted up. Green was the only color he had! It matches my toes anyway. :) It hurt having my foot positioned into a 90 degree ankle - he wants it in neutral while it's fully immobilized. 

Then the not-so-great news. He had told me before that I could probably work while in a cast, so I had felt kind of optimistic about that possibility. I was surprised he had said that because he does know that I'm a massage therapist by trade. Seems like it would be a difficult endeavor in a cast! He had said that I would probably be able to bear some weight in it. Fast forward to today and well...yeah, technically I can. The tiniest bit though...as in, I can only basically have it touching on the floor while I'm using crutches. :/ Not exactly the kind of "bearing weight" I had in mind. 

Grow little bone, grow!!
He had told me before I'd be 6 weeks in a cast. Today he said it's most likely that I will need to be immobilized for a total of 12 weeks. So, three weeks down and, WAIT...that leaves 9 WEEKS in a cast?!! He was a bit vague in answering that question at first. He pretty much said it will depend on what the X-rays look like. He needs to see a good callus formed before any mobility will be allowed. He'll check again 4 weeks from now and we'll go from there. I may end up doing 6 weeks in the cast, then another three in a boot. 

Now: there's the ever-pressing work issue. I'm kind of freaking out now. I'm going to try a practice session on Shawn in another week or so. See what it's like maneuvering around the table with the scooter. Maybe if I can deliver a half-way decent massage, and I feel physically ok doing it, then I could possibly charge my clients a slightly reduced fee for their sessions. I don't know how we'll make it without me working for another two months. If you're reading this, and you feel called to help, I would so appreciate financial support via my Indiegogo campaign. I've raised about 65% of my goal, which is the equivalent of about a month of my income + a little extra for medical expenses. Thank you!

Well, overall I'm feeling pretty ok. Still a long road ahead, but I've passed the first milestone. Onward...

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